Lunch with Friends, Back to Back KpopXFitness & Saturday & My Actifit Report Card: April 20 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

Got together with friends for lunch today, especially to bid farewell to one who's returning to the Philippines tonight. We wanted to make the most of our time together before she leaves. After a satisfying meal, we treated ourselves to some Ilao Ilao before parting ways. I opted for a medium-sized serving this time – a first for me! 😄

Two hours later, it was time for KpopX dance fitness, and with Hari Raya over, one of the instructor's returned, bringing back the two-hour class we usually have on Saturdays. It's been a month since we didn't had a two-hour session, and doing it today was exhausting but fun. I'm definitely up for it again next Saturday.

Laters Actifitters!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Dancing,Moving Around Office


Thank you for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great weekend
