My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

in Actifit29 days ago

That is day 14 of my #seven77 regimen. This increased number of reps is definitely doing me in! I'm finishing these rounds breathing hard. I feel it in my arms, my abs, and my upper hips. I just hope it turns into results soon!

Today was a very busy day for me. I took care of the kids in the morning, which included getting them to help me fold their laundry. We're working on having them contribute to the upkeep of the house, so I'm not doing it all myself. After lunch, I had my wife put the kids down for a nap while I set up the foundry outside. I have a butt ton of pop cans to melt, and today was the day to get it done!

I melted down a bunch of cans to get four very nice ingots of aluminum. Of course, this meant lots of back and forth motions, going inside and out to grab more cans, set everything up at the beginning, put it all away at the end, you get the idea. It was a lot of work!

Not to be outdone by myself, I did the dishes and made a fantastic dinner for my family. If only my kids would eat it... Young children can be the worst sometimes. I had to constantly remind them to keep eating their dinner. They wanted to do everything but. What's worse, my son told me dinner was gross. I really hope he didn't mean that. I made some delicious Mac and Cheese with sausage, onion, and garlic. I thought it turned out amazing, and so did my wife!

But anyways, my wife got the kids to bed, we got some quality time in, and I prepped for my Condemned demo tomorrow. Overall, a very busy day!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores
6.4 ft
247.8 lb
Body Fat


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