My Actifit Report Card: May 19 2024

in Actifitlast month

Today is day 15 of my #seven77 regimen. My kids were... difficult...this morning. It took it's toll on me, before I had to go out and do a demo for The Condemned. That sucked, especially when my son damaged my computer. Knocked over the mic stand, pulled my laptop off the shelf and destroyed the USB hub connected to it. I lucked out, my $1700 laptop wasn't damaged. I would have been livid if that were the case...

I dropped off my kids with my parents and went out to do my demo. Demo was a bust, couldn't get anyone to join in or try out the game. So I left, picked up a replacement USB hub, and stopped by one of my favorite retro game stores. They have a DDR Extreme cabinet, so I played a quick round while I was there.

Let's Groove is one of those fantastic warmup songs. You can't go wrong with it!

With my diminished stamina, this song is great for building it back up. It's a steady stream of arrows that gets you moving around.

I finished out with another classic. Upbeat, uptempo, and a good challenge for me to work up to. And I rose to the challenge!

Headed towards home, made dinner, and spent the evening with my wife. I have work tomorrow, so I'm headed to bed. Have a good night!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Fitness Gaming
6.4 ft
247.4 lb
Body Fat
