My Actifit Report Card: May 21 2024

in Actifit26 days ago

Today is day 16 of my #seven77 regimen. Today felt easier than prior days. I don't know what it is, but I'm okay with it!

I had to hit up an old friend who owns a retro game store after work today. Needed to talk with him and confirm that I'd be able to use his store for a charity drive in a few months. It's confirmed, and Dance Dance Extra Life is happening again! You should totally donate, by the way...

The weather was positively dreadful getting to the mall, so I was in no mood to brave rush hour traffic in addition to the rental rain that fell. Thankfully, my friend's game store sits right underneath a Dave & Buster's. So I went upstairs for dinner, and played some games. Including their Pump It Up machine. Forgot to take pics of the first round, but I played a few classic songs that I like playing. I took a short break, played a few ticket games, then went back.

I haven't played doubles in forever, so I felt like changing things up. I actually hold the machine record for this song, back when it was online. So that was fun to bring that back up! Yo, drop that s***!

Any Dreamcatcher song is going to be fast with a steady stream of arrows. I had never tried this song on doubles, but I had a ton of fun with it.

I rounded out the set with a 6. Another song I knew from playing singles, never played the double before. It went well! I liked it.

Nekkoya is one of those fun songs that's just too good to pass up. I miss the first Produce 48 song, that they had on PIU Prime and Prime 2. That one had a stellar 8 that I could clear. But I guess the license ran out or something...

I was scrolling through the 6's, just to see what else I could play that I hadn't before. I found this one, aaaaand...I regretted it. This one was just outside my abilities by the end. Partially stamina, partially weird charts. I got off tempo and couldn't recover.

With only one heart left, that meant I was stuck with shortcut songs. Which start at 8. I can barely do 7's. Fuck me...

So I took a stab at Pumptris Shortcut S8. It was a valuable effort, but I couldn't do it. Failed out and called it a night. Sometimes, that's the way it goes!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Fitness Gaming, House Chores
6.4 ft
249.4 lb
Body Fat
