Midsummer 🌞🌿🌼

in Actifit β€’ last year

A great start to a wonderful active day! For the second year @vesytz and I decided to do a sunrise walk and the obligatory herb picking. This time we were accompanied by @nanast and another friend.

We got up at 4.20am and drove out of town to a place called Lale bair. It was quite cold, but we warmed up by hurrying so as not to miss the sunrise. On top of that, we messed up the path leading to the place itself. We arrived just as His Majesty the Sun showed its first rays.

There was a gazebo where we sat down afterwards to drink coffee 😊

Unfortunately Lale Bair turned out not to have many herbs and the few we found like St. John's wort and Yarrow were almost overbloomed..but maybe that's normal considering the abnormal weather lately...

New Year's Day is a Bulgarian holiday that coincides with the summer solstice, therefore it is associated with some beliefs, one of which is that when herbs are picked just after sunrise on this very day, June 24, their healing power is much greater.

Here is a view of the Mandren lake.

I took some shots of the girls, they were so pretty against so much yellow πŸ’›πŸŒžπŸŒΌ

And since there weren't many herbs to gather, I paid attention to some small creatures.

Thanks for reading πŸ’›πŸŒΌ
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Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking

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