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RE: My Actifit Report Card: May 5 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Those flowers on the fence were so perfect, I wondered if they were artificial flowers! They look so happy and I can see that they are trained to grow that way.

I'm glad to see you babying the arm a little bit. I hope your outing today went well. Today is cooler here than it has been by almost 20 degrees. It feels pretty good and it was great for walking/running today! I need more days like this.

Doggie has found his place that he likes. They really are too big to be called a lap dog, but, I love that their smaller size makes it easy to let them snuggle up. His coat is so pretty. Do you have to brush him every day to keep the fur nice looking like that?

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Looks like you celebrated too!


Sometimes when I'm walking along something will catch my eye like those flowers. They do look a bit artificial since they are all opened up but it was a real vine. Just up from it another vine was growing that did not have so many opened up flowers.

Doggie just recently got a haircut. It is starting to grow back already. The brushing thing does not happen though.

Happy Cinco de Mayo too! :)

I deducted that it was real when my eyes followed the vine down and I marveled at how perfect it looked and it must be fake. I am so happy to hear they are real. I think they are beautiful!

Oh, you have him groomed? Their hair grow back in a little courser or does it remain very silky? They love to be brushed. It stimulates their body. :))

I hope you have a great weekend!