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RE: My Actifit Report Card: June 8 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

I like how the asparagus looks while sauteing it with the mushrooms. Asparagus goes with everything. I see the rice in the second one but, I am trying to figure out what else is in there.

Good luck with the computer! I like the Linus OS, Ubuntu with the way it handles the older hardware. When Linux first came out, it had many advantages and was fun to play with when it first came out. Nobody had heard of it and I had to go to meetups to get info on it. I had no idea what I was doing, but, it was a blast! :)

Keep getting those steps in!

Upped and Reposted



Thank you much! There was some meat and onions in the mix as well. Some mildly spicy sausage. It turned out tasty. I was trying not to eat meat for some time but gradually it has started to come back into my diet.

Getting a new computer is always fun and usually a lot more expensive than it was this time around.

Did you want to become a vegetarian because you didn't care for meat or you felt it was morally wrong? I am curious because I was leaning that way for a long time and then migrated back to meat because it took more time to keep my body properly fed (I'm a runner) and work. Time was my enemy.

Some day? I hope to. But, in the meantime, spicy sausage!? Yummy!