Pretty Good Step Total Today! My Actifit Report Card: April 28 2024

in Actifit2 months ago

Mostly chores, but was a good Day!

Always trying to find some good tags on the trains rolling by and I usually don't take photos while driving. But I made sure I got this one! ⤵️

And also got the wide some new tires at the Costco!

Hope your Sunday was well!

More interesting things to come!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


Happy Sunday, can't wait to see most interesting things you have mentioned.

Just like that car tires also have to be changed from time to time otherwise we may face problems.

And the shot of the train is beautiful. Great activity with your 13k steps.

Thanks for saying so!

Hello, I will wait for interesting things, thank you, may your tires last

Yeah, not really okay taking pictures while driving. Congratulations on your steps

I won't do it again! Unless it's really safe.

New tires = bye money 😅

I had an interesting Sunday
I was able to do all my chores and I slept very well
I love that Hive logo

Glad to hear you had a great Sunday!!

The tyre in the picture is new or old?

Not sure if that was the older new one!

A car should be invested over time


sharing is caring