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RE: My Actifit Report Card: September 19 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

She is one @actifit-ting little doggie! You did well with your 6442 @actifit steps. Now as for Brownie, well, she has 4 feet, so if you multipy that total times 4, you get 25.768. Now if you were instead to do it in half (after all, our step counts don't count for each foot) then you'd still have 12,884! That's quite a feat for the little girl! Thanks for sharing your day and have a lovely night!


It's even more impressive when you consider that her legs are only about 6 inches long, whereas mine are about 3 feet long. So she needs to take about six steps for every one I take. That means she did over 72,000 steps yesterday! No wonder she always wants to take a nap after we walk.

LOL! I knew she was a work out girl!