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RE: Beautiful Sunday-Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🍀………My Actifit Report Card: March 17 2024

in Actifit3 months ago

Prices are definitely going up and unfortunately, I guess we will all have to deal with it.

Where the pine cone was, there aren't any Deodara trees around there. These are fir tree pine cones; the ground was littered with them, leftover from fall as last year was such a dry year. They all tended to fall off in droves. What's odd though, is everything seems 'crunchy' even though we've had a lot of rain. I'm hoping for not such a hot summer this year. We could use a break!

Pastor Kyle is awesome, and his wife Rachel, leads the worship team. They do very well and make a great team!

Thanks for stopping by @jamerussell, and have a lovely week! !LADY 🤗💜


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