Friday 13

in Actifit2 years ago

Now that I'm looking at the date I've just realized yesterday was Friday and also the 13th. I'm not superstitious but looking back to what happened yesterday, someone suspicious could say it was because of that.

First of all, yesterday once again I managed to close actifit during walking successfully and only realized when I got home, that the app was closed and instead of 10k steps I had around 1600 or so.

This is the backup app that I'm using and when I looked at it, had over 8000 steps.

Actifit usually counts way more than any other app, so I'm estimating around 10k steps. Basically it doesn't really matter as I know I walked off those steps.

I've got another app, which is compatible with my old phone. Before you think I'm an app addict and chasing the best step counter, this one I'm keeping because I need it to update the app on my watch.

So based on all the apps I've got on my phone, it looks like I closed yesterday with 9k steps.

This was another lesson for me. But seriously, how many do I need to pay attention? 🤔

And to finish it on a positive note, here's a rainbow, a proper one I may have never seen in my life.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking