My Actifit Report Card: December 21 2021

in Actifit2 years ago

Yesterday I decided to stick with my staff as the searched for water by drilling a borehole. We went down to 100m to reach the water table. This my partime hussler when clients are available.

My target of 5000 was unattainable for I spent the day just moving around the drilling rig. Also I got so tired that I could not post yesterday.

For those who have not witness water drilling, this it!

Early morning drilling rig setup

Positive results water found!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


You may want to reconsider using so many tags on every post, Like Wednesday walk for example, that is a tag to use once a week and while talking about a walk

Okay, thanks. Am learning

Fully understood, just wanted to let you know as if you use to many tags and ones that are perhaps not relevant, such as the insect one also for this post, you may upset some people and hurt your growth on the chain

Thanks again for assisting me-I am a newbie

It’s a lot to learn at the start hang in there