My Actifit Report Card: December 27 2021

in Actifit2 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was a day, a day and a half! I found this guy above with something I thought was a big toy. To my surprise it wasn't! Most people can never guess what it is. Can you believe that a dj mixing deck, and to top it up it works! The chap has made a home made dj deck using or reusing parts from different electronic wastes. And the mic works too!
This is Kenya, where we a 'Jua Kalu Sector' translated to 'Hot Sun Sector' that make use of waste materials to substitute some of the imported items through local modification.
So, if a new dj deck costs $1000, this guy will give you one at around $200.
I love my country Kenya, the land of any firsts.
By the way these holidays are making me lazy.
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Daily Activity, Walking