Convert steps into gold / 歩数を金(ゴールド)に換える - My Actifit Report Card: June 21 2024 -

in Actifit3 months ago



In the morning, I walked around my home for an errand, but it was hardly a pleasant walk. The sun was shining, but the weather was hot and humid with lots of clouds. When I got home, I noticed that my forehead was sweating quite a bit.

The next few months will not be a good season for walking, but I still want to increase the number of steps I take as much as possible. This is because I am aware that I have gained weight in the past few weeks. I am too afraid to get on the scale, but as I look in the mirror, I have definitely gained weight! I need to review my eating and sleeping habits, exercise, and lose weight.

Actifit is a powerful exercise motivator for me, as I hate to move, but recently I started using it in conjunction with a pedometer app. Those are apps that give you points for viewing ad videos. With many apps, the more steps you take, the more ads you can view, and the more points you can earn. I had downloaded a few of these apps in the past, but I didn't use them much because I found the ad videos too cumbersome to play (there were too many, and many of them looked like scams). Recently, however, I realized that if I use it well, it is not a bad way to earn money.

In the past, I received my accumulated points as cash via bank transfer or used them to make purchases at convenience stores or on the Internet. In the past few years, I have exclusively used them to purchase stocks and mutual funds. The reason is that by converting them into stocks, I may be able to increase them little by little afterwards (although there is a possibility that they may decrease), rather than receiving and consuming them.

Points accumulated by many pedometer applications can be exchanged for what are called "common points" issued by major companies, such as d points, ponta points, and V-points. I mainly accumulate d points and use them to buy Japan Physical Gold ETF through an investment service called Nikko Froggy. I bought small amount at a time and finally reached about 3,600 yen 😅

What can I say... the feeling of walking turning into gold is not bad. So my goal for the future is to lose weight and save Gold. Or would it be more accurate to say "convert excess fat into Gold"...? I think that's a pretty good concept.

I've been focusing on the ones that are easy to accumulate points because they all work in the same way (walk => view ads => get points)... The more I use them, the more I think that there is nothing else out there that works like Actifit. Is it because I like taking pictures and writing? Actifit is the only one that gives me the freedom to do M2E in my own way. I wish it would become more popular.








何というか… 歩いた分が金(ゴールド)になるような感覚は悪くありません。そんなわけで今後の目標は、体重を減らして金(ゴールド)を貯める!です。或いは、余分な脂肪をゴールドに換える…?!コンセプトとしてはかなり良い気がする。

アプリはどれもほとんど同じしくみ(歩く⇒広告閲覧⇒ポイントゲット)なので、貯まりやすいものに絞って使っていますが… 使えば使うほど思うのが、Actifitのようなしくみのものは他にはないんだよなーということです。私が写真を撮ったり、文を書いたりするのが好きだからそう思うのかな。もっと流行って欲しいなと思っています。

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



Beautiful pictures! 😍

Thanks! The first flower is my favorite too, but they say it is mildly poisonous.

good job kyo very active as usual and nice photos

Thank you! I heard this flower in the first one is poisonous, though.

ooooooo thats not good poisonous? did u try to touch it

It's not a strong poison, but I hear it can make you nauseous. I used to have a bloom in my parents' yard...
Be careful when you find it.

hmm thats interesting would love to see it work out :P

I think it's a good business, walking to get gold, it seems very good to me my friend. Actifit is a great app and I find the way you use the points quite effective.

A hug for you.


Dear @go-kyo, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @manclar.

I've been gaining weight lately and really need to lose it... I've managed to spur myself on with all sorts of things to keep me motivated to exercise😅
I'm not a big fan of exercise to begin with, so Actifit and other rewards apps that reward me are great for me!





Actiftiは一撃の報酬は歩数計アプリより断然大きいのですが、毎日は無理だし・・ ポイ活系はホント少額の積み重ねですが、歩いた分(そして広告を見た分)はほぼ確実にもらえるのが良いですね。








Muy bonitas las fotos que capturas 💯

Gracias, volveré a intentarlo.😆



広告動画の視聴は辛いですよね~ 特に、終わるふりしてなかなか終わってくれない動画広告。なので今みたいにPCで作業している時に、横で(無音で)再生させていたりします。




Hey @go-kyo, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @aitommylr!
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