My Actifit Report Card: September 25 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Hello guys
How are you all
Hope you guys are doing great

Today I came from the night shift. I brushed and then had cool water shower. After that, I had a breakfast of Thepla and Tea. Once done with it, I started reading book and then started writing homework. I had lunch at 13:00 Hrs while Bhakhrwadi Tv show on sonyliv.

After having lunch I moved to my laptop again and publish homework and diary game. After having tea, I comments on some post until 18:00. After that I started cycling.

I kept cyling while watching the ipl match.

By the 20:00 hrs,we had dinner of olo and Rotlo and then we watched the Gujarati movie named Raghu CNG.

That's how my day ended

How was yours

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170 cm
75 kg
Body Fat


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