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RE: Big Boy Toys!!πŸ˜€.............. Actifit Report Card: September 27 2022

in Actifit β€’ 2 years ago

Yeah. I heard Washington State has lots of volcanoes. There are some dormant and active ones in our country. The most shocking eruption I think is Mt. Pinatubo way back in 1991. I was very young at that time.

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I remember Mt. made news around the world, it can be very dangerous very scary!!

Oh, you're familiar of it. Yeah, even the ashes reached nearby countries.

Very powerful, very scary what volcanoes can do!!!!

That's true. It's one of the things I'm scared of when I was young.

I can understand that my friend, when we moved to the Northwest Mount Baker was steaming no one knows when it will erupt!!

That's true. It's unpredictable when will be the eruption.

They tell us that we are long overdue for an eruption from Mount Baker, but still no one can predict very accurately......