My Actifit Report Card: April 11 2024

in Actifitlast month

It's been a busy day and I didn't really get started until quite late. There has been a rush to get some things done before the week is over for work and it's been keeping me busy. I got my steps done then I started working on hive late at night.

I watched the recording of the hump day show and I think it was quite good. They talked about the various ways to get in and out of crypto. Some of which is to avoid kyc. It is interesting to see that some people use prepaid cards or gift cards to get around things. Apparently you can't use it to buy gas but it works for things like stores.

Splinterlands wasn't as bad because I moved up to diamond I. I am making decent progress over to champion because of a good win streak. It definitely feels better than modern where I am stuck in silver. Its near the end of the season so I need to decide to use my glint before the season ends. Otherwise I won't get the glint price resets.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


i have the same problem often, that i start making exercise to late at night :/
But now we are getting longer days, more sun and more motivation to move out more

Yea. It's too bad that work and other things can get in the way. I do want to move out more while the sun is out. !PGM

Do you really think it is good to avoid KYC on exchanges?

Well, I don't know if I trust the exchanges that much with my information.
