An ESP Epic Burn - My Actifit Report Card: April 29 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

Monday, April 29th, 2024 - 2G - 60 Minutes

E = Endurance
S = Strength
P = Power


Every Orangetheory Fitness workout is challenging, and trust me, I'm one workout short of my 3,500 sessions under the orange lights, but once in a while, there is a brutal template, and this morning was one of those sessions.

After taking yesterday off from working out, I rarely miss a Monday workout, as I live by the "Never Miss a Monday" mantra.

I felt good this morning. I can't say I was at my ultra best, but I had amazing stats when it was all said and done, and I was extremely happy that my heart rate monitor worked perfectly for me today.

Today's workout revisited the ESP format from April 13th, featuring a mix of endurance, strength, and power elements across different stations. On the floor, we started with a series of timed exercises, escalating in duration each round. The initial exercises were lateral lunges transitioning into cross-back lunges and hip hinge swings, with each side getting 30 seconds initially, increasing in subsequent rounds. In between rounds, we performed walkouts leading into hand-release pushups on the knees. The finale for this segment was a challenging 45 seconds of a bear plank with alternating rows.

Adjacent to the rower, the second-floor block included high-repetition sets of low rows followed by hammer-to-bicep curls, all before a 100-meter row that really fired up the forearms.

The session concluded with a grueling series of non-stop cleans transitioning into neutral grip thrusters. This last block pushed the heart rate to its peak, making it a formidable end to a dynamic and intense workout.

On the treadmills, the session was divided into blocks focusing on endurance, strength, and power. The endurance section progressed from a base pace to a series of push paces, culminating in an all-out sprint, with each interval lengthening by 15 seconds. However, the base remained consistently at one minute, and the final sprint was 45 seconds long. It involved a continuous 6-minute run for strength, increasing the incline by 1% every 0.1 miles. The power block featured traditional all-out sprints with 45 seconds of walking recovery between rounds.

I burned a whopping 833 calories and 13 SPLATS!

I totaled 2.75 miles on the treadmills, and my speeds ranged from 5.8 mph to 10.5 miles per hour.

I rowed very little, but in the 100 meters that I did row, I hit 470 WATTS OF POWER at a high of 12.6 miles per hour rowing speed.

I went with 25- and 35-pound dumbbells on the floor for the weighted exercises.


Today's Workout Recap

Tread Block 1

  • 30-second base to push
  • 30-second push
  • 30-second push to ALL OUT
  • 1-minute base
  • 45-second base to push
  • 45-second push
  • 45-second push to ALL OUT
  • 1-minute base
  • 1 minute base to push
  • 1-minute push
  • 1-minute push to ALL OUT
  • 1-minute base
  • 45-second ALL OUT

Tread Block 2 - 6 minutes

  • 6-minute timed run starting at 1% and adding 1% every 0.1 mile
  • Check the highest incline. (I hit a 7% incline)

Tread Block 3

  • 30-second ALL OUT
  • 45-second walking recovery
  • 45-second ALL OUT
  • 45-second walking recovery
  • 1-minute ALL OUT

Floor Block 1 - work & active recovery

  • 30 seconds of goblet lateral lunge to cross-back lunge (Left Side)
  • 30 seconds of goblet lateral lunge to cross-back lunge (Right Side)
  • 30 seconds of hip hinge swing
  • 1-minute of walkout to knee hand release push-up
  • 45 seconds of goblet lateral lunge to cross back lunge (Left Side)
  • 45 seconds of goblet lateral lunge to cross-back lunge (Right Side)
  • 45 seconds of hip hinge swing
  • 1-minute of walkout to knee hand release push-up
  • 1-minute of goblet lateral lunge to cross-back lunge (Left Side)
  • 1-minute of goblet lateral lunge to cross-back lunge (Right Side)
  • 1-minute of hip hinge swing
  • 1-minute of walkout to knee hand release push-up
  • 45 seconds of bear plank switch alternating low-rows

Floor Block 2 - 6 minutes back to back

  • 10 total alternating step-back rows
  • 10 hammer curls to eccentric bicep curls
  • 100-meter push row (20 - 22 strokes per minute)

Floor Block 3 - work & rest

  • 30 seconds of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps)
  • 45 seconds recovery
  • 45 seconds of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps)
  • 45 seconds recovery
  • 1 minute of clean to neutral grip thruster (check and count reps)





What is the Orangetheory Everest Workout?


What is EPOC?
===> Excess Post-Excercise Oxygen Consumption

Each one of an Orangetheory Fitness workout is designed for us to spend 12 minutes in our own personal Orange Zone. This is when the magic happens. That high intensity work helps to increase our metabolism for up to 24 hours.


We are known as Jiffy or Team Jiffy (Jimmy and Tiffany) in the Orangetheory community.


About Orangetheory Fitness (OTF)


What is a BOSU?

What is a Medicine or Med Ball? OUTl-training-1229699

What are Resistance Bands?

What is a TRX?


I’ve crushed 3000 PLUS Orangetheory Fitness sessions:

I’m up to 3499
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics,Gym,Weight Lifting,Treadmill,Running,Walking
5.7 lb
170 lb
Body Fat
34 in


Feliz miércoles bendiciones para ti.

Feliz Martes @albertocova Gracias 🙏🏼

Feliz miércoles, bendiciones mi amigo..

Hola Alberto! Gracias 🙏🏼 Te deseo igual.


I’m glad about your heart rate monitor result
You’ve got a healthy body!