My Actifit Report Card: April 15 2022 - $2000 For an SPS Validators Node License

in Actifit2 years ago

Hi People! Do any of you play Splinterlands? The recent season ended today and I got a gold foil and a legendary! But not showing them in this post.

I spent too many hours today working on a spreadsheet that would show the cost of an SPS Validators Node License in real time. I can get the current SPS price from coinmarketcap API into a Google Sheets document but can't get Voucher price from cmc because they dont list it.

I need to talk to hive engine node and query the metrics table but have tried it yet.

Looking at currect prices, a license will cost $2000. Will you buy one at that price?

I wish you a wonderful weekend! ❤👍❤

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Daily Activity, Walking


Congrats on you copping a gold foil , impressive ! $2000 is quite a lot oh!!

$2000 for a license. That look quite much

Not sure about that. It's a good game, but what exactly would buying a license allow u to do? HAPPY EASTER!

It decentralizes the operations of Splinterlands and you get a reward of SPS every day. But the initial cost is high! Of course if the game booms again then the license cost will also rise and people can sell their license so some might do that.

Congratulations on your winning. I've never tried any pc game like Splinterlands. Sounds really good that you made 7k as your actifit card is showing. Have a great weekend to you!

thank you very much for the report, have a good weekend and a great mood

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