My Actifit Report Card: November 14 2022 - Staking APR Over 2500%

in Actifit2 years ago (edited)

I just found this out and you need to know this!

I thought that the yield for staking the Genesis League Sports token called GLX was good, but I didn't know it is amazingly good! According to it is currently paying 2556% APR on Staked GLX!


If you have the #Splinterlands SplinterShards #SPS token then you have been getting GLX for Free every day since October 25. They sell for about 25 cents each but at this APR you might consider staking them!

Stake GLX here:

MY ACTIVITY was my night time walk. It was a little longer than usual and the temperature was a little warmer than last night. It was 43 degrees Fahrenheit when I left and 44 when I got home!

Have a nice Tuesday! ❤👍❤

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


2556% Apr is insanely massive , but my question is will it remain like this or it is just for the time being?

The rate is dropping fast now but will start to level off after several months.

SPS was a very similar airdrop and it also had a very high APR at the beginning but now after almost 1.5 years it still has an APR of 25% which is quite good. Also something to learn from SPS is that the price rose to around $1 early on, and is now 4 cents.

GLX is 29 cents now and it tempts people who are getting it airdropped for free to sell, but that APR is also tempting them to hold and Stake! I can't advise one way or the other, not investment advice, do your own research as always.

Hello! Thank you for the 3 hive tip. I really appreciate it. Do you have any GLX?

I have some. For anyone who sees this and wants some, it is traded on hive-engine:

Not financial advice, do your own research, as always! :)

That's really a huge Apr for now I must confess

WHOA! That's some great APR!! 😁💪😎🤙

thank you so much for sharing the report, have a nice day
