My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2023 - Halcybella

in Actifitlast year (edited)

I included halcybella in a collection of shorts on May 1 but today we put the spotlight on just her. Although she is happy to share her shorts with a few friends, most commonly RaineEmery.

Halcybella generally does cosplay shorts where she dresses as well known movie, TV or game characters and then acts like them and/or does a dance.

This Short is too short. Halcybella and 2 friends just get started dancing and it's over! They are doing a Mario Cart Dance in skin tight costumes which earned them 34 Million views!

In this short she is Princess Peach from #supermariobros and as she starts a dance she gets upstaged by Raine as Daisy. This YouTube Short has 26 Million views!

This is a very new short and the ladies are dressed as some sort of elf. They do a really easy dance called 3 Links Dance. Try it with them!


was a ling night time walk which also included climbing 48 stairs. I made it into the #10kstepsaday club for the second day in a row. I'll try to do it again tomorrow!

I hope you have a nice day!!!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


That's some pretty on point role play.

I have watched three the videos and the second one has a very funny scene. The way we are now seeing that YouTube is also paying money to make such videos.

The way the views on these YouTube shorts does massive numbers needs to be studied . Amazing !

hahaha :D the girl with Yellow shirt was funny :D

This is helping me to bring memories of the childhood days


Awesome and thanks for sharing it I really appreciate it.

great videos, thank you very much for the excellent report, have a nice day

34 million views! For sure they're already earning from it.

Waooo, looks pretty. Hope You have a great day.

More than 10k, good discipline

Life is sometimes fun and sometimes being serious. All are different aspects and have their own place.
