My Actifit Report Card: July 16 2023 - KISS Alive!

in Actifit11 months ago (edited)

I follow a film maker in Norway on YouTube and he was just at a Kiss concert in Tonsberg. This video has some highlights of the show and lasts for about 12 minutes.

Kiss still rocks! Paul and Gene are about 70 now. But they still look and sound good. They played a lot of their early songs that came out nearly 50 years ago. I hope I'm still rocking when I hit 70!

And here is KISS Live in 1974, 49 years ago just for comparison. They were just starting out back then.


was some swimming at the pool which doesn't reflect in my number since I don't bring the phone in the water. Then at night I had a nice walk in the heat. It was still around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. We're having a Hot Summer!

Have a nice Monday!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


They are 70 but still looking like mid50 😊

Wow! They're already old but still performing well.

Kiss is an iconic metal band. They're still very much active.

. It's amazing to think that Kiss is still going strong after all these years. They're definitely one of the most iconic bands of all time.

I also love that you shared the videos. It's so cool to see how they've evolved over the years. They've definitely come a long way since their early days.

he looks angry in the thumbnail picture.



the part where he glides over the crowd on the chain or whatever..

I read about it from your post today because the way we see in the video people are liking it so much I will watch your video from today too.

The first time I heard of the Kiss band was in the 70's sitcom show. It's great to see them feature in your activities today !


great video, thank you very much for sharing the report, have a nice day