My Actifit Report Card: July 22 2023 - Come on! Let's Gooooo!

in Actifit11 months ago (edited)

Here's something we're all saying when we look at our crypto charts. Come on, let's go!

Hive is doing okay, holding steady. HBD is really holding steady. SPS is up but don't look at the 1 year chart or you'll cry. What about LEO! So much development! So much boom this Spring but it's giving a third back in the last 6 weeks. I'm playing with #PEPE where the prices are low and the tokens are in the zillions. Meme coins are fun. Buying some feels good, man!

So I love the Ramones, such a fun wacky band that invented punk rock. I found their cover of Come on Let's go. Seems fitting to feature that here!

The original is by Ritchie Valens, that very early Rockstar who never lived to be 18. I'm always wondering what the rock world would have heard from him and Buddy Holly if their plane didn't crash.

Beatrice covered this too! Let's listen. Beatrice, bring our cryptos some good luck please!


was minimal today. Just random daily motion. Then, what else, a night time walk. Still no sight of the moon. If this goes on much longer I'm calling the cops and reporting it missing.

Have a great weekend!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


I hope you had a great weekend too!

I enjoyed reading about your crypto holdings. It's always interesting to see how different people are investing their money. I'm not too familiar with meme coins, but I've heard that they can be a lot of fun.

Still no sight of the moon. If this goes on much longer I'm calling the cops and reporting it missing.- probably the moon needs some SPACE and it's just having it's private time, I guess you should give it more time ..

You definitely had a great time I must confess

I'm also planning to buy meme coins. Lol.

😊🌈😎 if its just audio.. i prefer the original by valens

but the cover by beatrice is just so fun!

All these songs are very nice that you have shared with us and it is very nice to listen especially I love listening fast music.

Really great collection.

At the moment, Hive is still surging.

It sounds great.

great video, thank you very much for the report, have a nice day, have a great weekend

A band with all handsome guys.
