My Actifit Report Card: August 2 2023 - Cake by ITZY

in Actifit10 months ago (edited)

Have you seen the video for the song Cake by kpop girl group ITZY? I'll be discussing it today.

The MV premiered on YouTube 5 days ago. It has about 12 Million views and is number 19 on Trending music. I like the girls' red outfits, black outfits and multicolored outfits. The singing and dancing are great. Anyone can easily dance along to this one!

Dislike - I don't the casual use of guns in pop culture. I think people should be able to own guns but I don't like how media companies incorporate them and shooting of them so casually. My opinion is we have too much gun violence in this world. We need to think that its cool to settle things with discussions and not with violence.

But now we think guns are cool. 60 years ago culture made everyone think cigarettes were cool. Then we decided as a society to stop showing them in media. Now not many people smoke at least where I am. People can still smoke if they want. But since its not that cool anymore, less people are drawn to it. Let's make guns less cool.

Your thoughts?


was movement in and around the house with a night time walk. I actually wore my light white hoodie because it was in the 60s out there.

Did I make the #10kstepsaday club? Check my number!

Have a fun Friday and stay safe!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


I agree with you that the casual use of guns in pop culture is a problem. It can normalize gun violence and make it seem like it's something that's not a big deal. This can be especially harmful to young people, who are still developing their sense of right and wrong.

I think it's important for media companies to be more responsible about how they portray guns. They should avoid showing guns being used in a casual or glamorous way. Instead, they should focus on showing the negative consequences of gun violence.

🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰😊🤙 that was some chair flip!

This video is good and I like the dance moves. Smoking is not good health..

This is very cool year girls is looking gorgeous in this outfit. I like the idea of this post. Its wonderful

Wao this song is very great and amazing. Every perform his work very well.

ITZY is also popular here in the Philippines.

I agree with you regarding the use of guns. So much violence already.

So much huge millions of view in just matter of time

I have not seen this vedio before but that's interesting.

Cake cake cake i want that cake.


It's essential for us as individuals and as a society to critically examine the messages and values conveyed through media and entertainment. By encouraging thoughtful and responsible storytelling, we can contribute to making guns less "cool" in pop culture and foster a culture of empathy, understanding, and peaceful resolution.