My Actifit Report Card: August 9 2023 - What Was I Made For?

in Actifit11 months ago (edited)

I actually found the cover for this new Billie Eilish song done by Emily Linge before I heard and watched the original. The Emily Linge piano and vocal cover just dropped today and already has 12K views. She looks great in Barbie pink and as always she plays and sings so well. I think I like her vocals better than Billie on the original!

Billie Eilish uploaded the original on July 13th and it has 28 Million views! She is also dreessed in Barbie fashion. Check out the original and see how you think it compares to Emily's cover.


was a short night time walk. I'm resting today after that 5 hour session of water volleyball last night.

Have a happy day of Thor!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


She has such a lovely voice.

Discovering new covers can be a delightful surprise! Emily Linge's piano and vocal cover of the new Billie Eilish song sounds like a hit already with 12K views.

It's interesting how different artists can bring their own unique flavor to a song.

Water volleyball... that's really interesting.
Vedio is good.

Guess you were not able to really do that much today

he plays and sings well, thank you very much for sharing an excellent report and a wonderful video, have a good day