My Actifit Report Card: August 10 2023 - Creeper

in Actifit10 months ago (edited)

YouTube recommended a video to me called Teenage Sacrifice. It's a new song by a band called Creeper. I'm not posting it here because it's a somewhat bloody video but it's a decent goth tune.

I went to Creeper's channel and found they were a bit mire metal in years past. Here's a fast-slow-fast song called Black Mass. If you like this one then also check out Black Rain by Creeper.


So the slow part of Black Mass is a 50s / early 60s throwback. It reminds me slightly of a song called Dreamy Eyes by Johnny Tillotson. If you prefer oldie romance to modern metal then listen to Dreamy Eyes.


was a short walk late at night. It's too hot and humid for a long walk most days this time of year.

I didn't see the moon tonight and I didn't see any Creepers either!

Have a great Friday!!!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


Both songs are very great and amazing. I always like to listen fast music and the lyrics are very amazing.

😎🤘 head bangin!

but yea, I much prefer the slow, sleepy music..


Excellent recommendations!

Exploring music can be quite the journey!

It's interesting how bands can evolve their sound over time. Creeper's transition from metal to goth sounds like quite a shift.

Your late-night walk sounds like a cool escape from the heat. Here's to discovering new tunes and enjoying those peaceful walks! Cheers

Good vedio. Sounds great.
Happy Friday.

It will definitely be a good video to try out

great group, thank you very much for sharing a great report and video, have a nice day


I loved the second song rather than first.