My Actifit Report Card: September 16 2023 - The Dollyrots

in Actifit9 months ago (edited)

Some times I listen to Little Steven's Underground Garage #lsug on Sirius radio channel 21. They play songs I never heard before! Lately the have the new song by The Dollyrots called Night Owl in heavy rotation. That's not surprising as their singer Kelly Ogden is one of the DJs on LSUG.

At first I didn't like this song very much but it has grown on me and now I think it's pretty good.

Here it is!

I had heard of the Dollyrots before. The had a popular song about 15 years ago called Because I'm Awesome. It rocks! And the lyrics are kind of funny.

Let's hear Because I'm Awesome!


was two walks. I went to a local pond and walked around it two times. Later I went food shopping and then I took my regular night time walk. I wore a long sleeve shirt and was fine.

Now that I think back, I was also at the pool today. I mostly lounged but did swim a bit.

Have a nice weekend!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Swimming, Walking


Both video's really very great and amazing. I really like their voices.

oh, I thought its cuz YOU are awesome.. :P

cool! luv there hair styles..

I heard about this band for the first time.

Very great and cool performance.

2 females and 1 male in a band. That's rare.

This is really a great and you must certainly have had a great day

Weather is quite nice here. Midnight temperature has lowered.

I am a night owl and i love this song.

It's always cool when you discover new music through radio channels like Little Steven's Underground Garage. It's interesting to see how songs can grow on you with time. Thanks for sharing the songs by The Dollyrots, they do have a catchy vibe!

great clips, thank you so much for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great week
