My Actifit Report Card: September 18 2023 - Song About Hamburgers

in Actifit9 months ago (edited)

I like hamburgers! What's your Go To burger? It's Jack's for me. I do like Wendy's sometimes. I've been seeing a lot of commercials for Hardees lately. I haven't been to one in forever so I should probably sample a burger from them soon.

I get my burgers with no pickles and no onions. What about you? I don't feel well after eating onions even though I like them. White Castle has been around for many years but they're not for me because they come with onions.

But I get the theme of this song called White Castle Blues. We crave burgers but don't always feel well later on. This is by the Smithereens who were a popular rock band some decades ago.


was random movement. Then a trip to a supermarket which entailed a decent amount of walking. Finally a night time walk. It was longer than last night and you see I made the #10kstepsaday club today!

Have a nice Tuesday!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Shopping, Walking


You don't like onions, I understand because sometimes I also become choose about such things and even avoid some ordinary things.

I like Wendy's too, but it's expensive in our country.

Love to listen old and classic music. Have a nice day.

Voice is very cool and impressive.

I'm more of a chicken sandwich kind, but yea.. luv those whitecastle cheeseburgers! :)

wow 14000 is a big achievement.

My favorite go-to burger in our country is Jollibee with Amazing Aloha burger.

Burgers are an all-time classic, and it's great that you have your go-to spots! Personal preference is what makes them so fun. It's interesting how even though you like onions, they don't agree with you.

The Smithereens' "White Castle Blues" really captures that burger craving vibe.

Congratulations on hitting the #10kstepsaday club! Keep moving and enjoying those delicious burgers.

good song, thank you so much for sharing the report, have a nice day
