My Actifit Report Card: March 26 2024 - Step By Step To 20K

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Wow I got 20K on my actifit number today! How did that even happen? It happened Step By Step.

Its the end of March now. The pools open in 5 weeks. That's still 0.1 years but I can feel the Summer coming. It is time to get into summertime shape.

Luckily I put on no extra weight this winter. So I just have to pump the muscles a bit and I'll be ready for water volleyball and all the other summer activities I enjoy.

When I lived in NY my friends and I used to enjoy listening to oldies which were hit songs long before we were listening to pop music. One such song is Step By Step by The Crests. It has a good tempo and the lead singer has a smooth voice. I thought this would be a good video and song to post on my first 20K Step day in a while.

Might as well drop another Crests tune here.

I think I'll make this a #threetunetuesday post. The Crests song above is rather rare, I never heard it on any Oldies radio. It songs similar to some Dion and The Belmonts songs. Here's another really rare Crests tune.

My activity

for this rather huge number included moving around the office, running errands and my quotidian night time walk under a cloudy sky with 54 degree temperature. Got to keep moving throughout the day. Can't just be sitting all the time!

I hope your week is going well!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking


Congrats! :)

Wow I got 20K on my actifit number today! How did that even happen? It happened Step By Step. - 20k is such a huge number and milestone I must say . You're indeed correct when you said you acheived this taking it step by step. Baby steps does the magic, it's a marathon not a sprint.

You are really working step by step to achieve those goals

Great video clips, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day


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Regularly, when a person walks in this way, then it becomes a habit and the steps keep increasing. This music is also very beautiful and good.