My Actifit Report Card: April 1 2024 - The Castellows

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Do you know The Castellows? These 3 sisters from Georgia are becoming Country Music stars! They started out like many by posting on YouTube and Tik Tok. Now they have a million followers and are putting out their first album. Here is an interview they did with CMT. This video has 84K views in under 2 weeks.

Their first song was Number Seven Road. I like it a lot. I'm not the only one! It has 3/4 Million views. This is a very sweet family friendly song about the girls and their family. Family is so important!

Oh oh oh Number Seven Road won't you take me home!
Out there where my roots run deep, strong just like that old oak tree!

My activity

today was just random movement and that quotidian night time walk. Again with no jacket because its 70 degrees out tonight.

Have a nice day!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


It's fantastic to see how The Castellows are making waves in the country music scene, especially with their roots in Georgia and their journey from posting on YouTube and TikTok to releasing their first album.

:) 'Terrible' Trio!

These people are kinda inspiring me to post my music videos on TikTok and YouTube
Kudos to them for the cooperation and great job in general

The video has a whole lot of views. That means it is been publicize

Great videos, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day
