My Actifit Report Card: April 4 2024 - The Surfrajettes

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

The Surfrajettes are an all girl band that plays Surf music. Maybe you guessed that from their name? 😀👍

So looks like this is a video from a recent Live show in Michigan. The ladies are dressed in 60s inspired matching outfits with form fitting tops, miniskirts and Go Go Boots. We have a drummer, bass guitar, rhythm guitar and lead guitar.

The song is Train Kept A-Rollin which is a classic rocker. Its originally from the 50s by Tiny Bradshaw but The Yardbirds recorded it in the 60s and Aerosmith rocked it in the 70s. These ladies do it in Surf style but keep it pretty close to previous covers. Its an instrumental. I don't think they sing any of the songs they play. Just pounding drums and twangy guitars.

My activity

today was from doing more errands. Then I did get in my daily nightly walk. It was cold! 50 degrees is cold this time of year. It was windy too. I actually wore a hoodie and a beanie and a scarf! But the 10K steps kept me warm since I walk at a very brisk rate and the walk was fairly long.

Hope your weather is nice. Have a great Friday!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking



Initially when I saw "surf music" , I was thinking it's a kind of music being performed while surfing, Lol!

Despite the chilly weather during your nightly walk, hitting those 10K steps must have kept you warm and energized. Here's to hoping for warmer weather ahead and wishing you a fantastic Friday!

These girls are awesome
Nice performance!

I don't like overwintering either, be careful

Thanks for sharing the report and a great song, have a nice day and a great Friday
