My Actifit Report Card: May 4 2024 - Dasha sings Austin

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Today YouTube recommended a cool Country Music song and video to me. The artist is Dasha who I know nothing about so far. But she does look a bit like Taylor Swift to me. Her voice is good; fairly typical female Country singer style. The video is about a break up. Someone is leaving but I'm not sure if it's him or her.

This is a 3 minute song and video with a lively beat that Country Music dancers can line dance to. Its just drums, bass and rhythm guitar with Dasha's sultry but strong voice. This video dropped 10 days ago and already has 1.6 Million views! That's amazing considering Dasha only has 46K subscribers so far!

Check it out and subscribe to Dasha if you like this cool Country tune. I think she'll have more to see and hear!

My Activity

today wasn't much. There was some random movement as I got up from my desk to take a break from coding and testing the Frog Pack Market for the upcoming #pepe trading card game that we're already playing as we build it out on #metarobots.

It was raining most of the day but tonight it fell silent outside so I ventured out for my walk. It was warm and hazy. There was a slight drizzle but I did manage to complete my shorter walking route. Now as I write this, I hear the rain again.

Stay dry and safe! I hope you're having a good weekend!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


YUP, maybe tay tay's cuz..

I have heard the full song, the story is very interesting and the voice is very good.

Dasha has a ear piercing voice
Thanks for helping us know about her

sharing is caring

The rains when dropping is always a beautiful sight to behold , hope you are enjoying the weather?!

Great clip, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great weekend
