My Actifit Report Card: May 7 2024 - New Longevity and Rejuvenation News

in Actifitlast month (edited)

I like to follow anti-aging news and today I found this interesting video from David Shapiro who I normally watch for his informative AI videos. This video from yesterday already has more than 27K views which is not surprising since David has 152K subscribers on YouTube.

The point is that there is research and clinical trials going on in Japan on therapies to rejuvenate mitochondria which are the powerhouse of cells. Better cell funtion means better human functioning!

I'm not a fan of David's presentation method in this video. He's out for a nature ealk and that's a bit distracting. I like it better when he makes videos inside.. But still I found this video to be interesting and there are links and more information in the description.

My Activity

today was minimal again. Just some random movement to keep the blood moving and the muscles active. I did take a walk in the warm humid night air but it was a short route. I think I'll lift my dumbbells and do some pushups after I publish this.

Have a nice day! :)

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


keep on with the push-ups!

uhhhhhh.. POPULATION?? we better colonize mars first.. :P

and.. altered carbon?? :)

It's fascinating how research like this on mitochondrial rejuvenation can potentially enhance human health. Hopefully, David's video sheds more light on this exciting development despite the distracting nature walk backdrop. Keep staying active and take care!

That's really fascinating if they could re-energize the mitochondria!
Interesting video!

People who have been vaccinated now are worried about adverse health effects in the future.

He’s really cool
Have you ever tried out Nigerian music?

interesting informational video, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day
