My Actifit Report Card: May 8 2024 - Family Birthday Party

in Actifitlast month (edited)

Today was interesting. We had a bad storm in the neighborhood which knocked several trees down. There is only one way out from the street I'm on, and it was blocked by fallen trees. Luckily some neighbors had chainsaws and the road became passable again.

At night I was at a large family birthday party. Family members from far and near were in attendance. Others called in on their phones and the called phone got passed around so they could talk with several of us.

You won't be young forever
it's only a fraction to the sum
You won't be young forever
nor will anyone

So look at your life
who do you want to be before you die?
Look at your life
what do you want to do?

You haven't got forever
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

So with all that activity I did get a few thousand steps but much less than usual. No walk tonight. It got too late plus there is a good chance for more rain and storms at any minute. I'll make up for today's sparce activity tomorrow.

Have a nice day!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


it's a good sign that soon your streets will be cleared with the help of peoples living there. its called sense of good citizenship.

It’s good to see that your street was not really affected
I love this jam
Thank you!

What a whirlwind day! From storms to celebrations, it sounds like a memorable journey. Wishing you clearer skies and more steps ahead!

Needs MORE cowbell! :D


Good congratulations, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day