My Actifit Report Card: May 12 2024 - Nanana Memecoin

in Actifitlast month (edited)

I've been watching this wacky YouTube crypto content maker named yourfriendsommi who has been talking a lot about PulseChain memecoins. Today he talks about $nanana. It's up about 4x from when I first heard him evaluate it in a video a few weeks ago. Did I buy some? Maybe! Did I take profits? Maybe!

Sommi has 28K subscribers. He seems fair and honest. He doesn't take bribes and doesn't do paid videos. He thinks PulseChain is the best place for memecoins now. Better than Solana or Base or Arbitrum. I think he may be right. I think he provides actionable alpha in his many videos. He does so many each day that it's almost impossible to watch them all. But maybe you can subscribe to him and see what he is telling people. Maybe you'll profit from this. I don't know. No one knows the future. Do Your Own Research!




My Activity

today was varied. I did some cycling for the first time in a while. I lifted dumbbells. I used my iron horse which is a stationary piece of equipment you sit on then push petals with your feet and pull handlebars as you lift the seat you're on. Later I took a walk and finally saw the moon again. It's only about 35% full.

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!

Have a nice Monday!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Cycling, Daily Activity, Walking, Weight Lifting


i find cryto is all speculation still.. beyond my strong belief that it will, in fact, become more and more a thing for the world.. old money still tried to keep it down..

except for HBD.. i am behind that 110% 👊😎

I didn't know about it before, I came to know after your post, so I will subscribe to their channel, maybe this way we can get some good profit.

This is my first time hearing of $nananana
It sounds funny though😅

Cycling, weightlifting, and using the iron horse sound like a great way to stay active. Also, interesting insights on yourfriendsommi's analysis of PulseChain memecoins. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!

Great informational video, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great week
