My Actifit Report Card: September 13 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Happy Monday everyone! The start of the work week. I am glad that I managed to get out today for some fresh air and exercise.

The weather today was perfect! I woke up at 7 this morning and it was raining cats and dogs the whole morning! Superb for sleeping in but it is a working day! I was hoping to would stop before work but since it continued throughout the morning, I decided that I would go out in the evening instead with my little Murtabak and Hubby.

After being cooped up in the house all day he was pretty excited to get out. Boys will be boys...he has too much energy and no where to expand it because of the COVID lockdowns in Malaysia for the last 3 months.

Hopefully that things will start opening up more and they will be able to head back to school soon. But it does look like it is going to continue this way until the end of the year.

Recently our national recovery plan moved to phase 2 with a lot more leniency. You can do
stuff like dine out, shop, exercise and other things if you are fully vaccinated. However, people are still wondering if they can go to work which is a real joke?! That's a story for another day...

I managed to get my minimum steps for today and hope to work up to at least 10k steps a day and continue to do it for the next 100 days to get fitter and stronger.

This year has been tough on my physically as I had a knee surgery back in March due to a bucket handle tear on my meniscus and a high grade tear on my ACL. Knee injuries really sets you back activity wise and I hate growing old. Recovery was way easier when I was younger! 😆

Anyway I have my boys as an additional excuse to get out. Confining a 5 and 7 year old indoors can be tough.

Hope you all had a great start to week and will catch you tomorrow again!

Happy Exercising!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Play with kids/grand kids, Walking



I am so Happy to see you posting.

Your son looks so happy to be out. Glad things are easing up :)

Hey @metzli thanks for dropping by. Well not quite because our government here doesn't seem to be able to get clear information out to the people on exactly how we can go about getting back to work etc. So things are still pretty difficult though because they have kind of opened up not not quite if you know what I mean. But we just try to make the best of it.

Keep going Momma. Soon enough we will have memories of this time, and we will all be well again.