My Actifit Report Card: May 20 2024

in Actifit29 days ago

Today I got some activity in that wasn't exactly planned, but welcomed! Being stuck in my office was no fun, but I had some faculty that showed up so I was able to walk the campus a little bit, some walk and talk is a good thing!

Then it was in the weightroom with some incline bench, a couple different curls, mixed with some push-ups and a couple variations of the glute bridge. Then we continued with the warm upwith some jump rope.

Keep on pressing the limits!

Dr. Kqaos

Throw in some stretching and it rounded out the day.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Stretching, Walking, Weight Lifting
