My Actifit Report Card: July 12 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

I played an eighteen basket round by myself at my favorite course. There were a lot of people I knew playing at the course this afternoon but I kind of felt like playing alone. I ended up scoring at one over par for the round which was pretty good for me. It seems like I'm usually around five over par.

Playing by myself is easier in a way because there are less distractions. I still enjoy playing with others as well too.

In the evening I played with my son and a bunch of his friends. I ended up doing pretty well again and it was a lot of fun to play with them.

We played a nine basket round and an eighteen basket round. I don't remember who won the nine basket one but I came in second on the eighteen basket round with a plus two score. I thought that was pretty good for the me on the course.

I was munching away at the celery and thought that maybe it would be nice to see if it would grow from what I was about to throw away. Here it is after a couple of days in some water and sunlight:

It kind of looks a lot healthier and turned from yellow to green. Maybe if it grows some roots I will plant it. I'm not sure if it will grow at all around here, I don't know much about it.

Here's some fixings for dinner tonight:

There are some very interesting colors of small tomatoes available at the store. I like the different flavors.

Here's some raspberries from the yard and scones made with them:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.

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Cycling, Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores


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celery hi my friend, is there another name for this plant? and so that I can easily recognize in my area?

Google shows celery (Apium graveolens) as a scientific name. I'm not sure what else it might be called.

I never did that before with celery but do it with green onions all the time. I will have to try that.

Every time!!! Stick it in the dirt and it will continue! Carrots, potatoes, onions, and many others are easy to grow! Lettuce! That is quick growing too! Good luck and how cool that you did that without knowing! :)

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