The Fun, The Food, The Cluster, and The Testimony

in Actifit5 months ago

Gatherings are always wonderful. Even as post lockdown era, humans need to overcome fear resulting isolation and reconnect with family.

Of course, food is definitely not an exception; being in a multi-cultural society, the food representation will tell you how diverse a community is. 😌

Of course, how can a meal present itself as a "full course" without desserts?

Just the sheer amount of diversity in the Nonya "kueh" section tells you how diverse the taste buds can be!

From (sweet) red bean to glutinous rice, tapioca and plain flour, added with sugar and natural colouring, the well arranged dessert platter becomes a very enticing section for everyone regardless of age.

It was a Christmas party after all, and how can Christmas celebration complete without presents?

But it wasn't just any present exchange, we had a "dramatic story telling" segment to enhance the fun and games while "passing the gift to the next anonymous person"

So DRAMATIC to the point, 2 days later another "dramatic" fold of events happened.

There was a "covid cluster" outbreak 😅

My dad was the first to "fall" into infection as he wasn't a fervent nasal washer.

I fought for a whole day and after settling everything and also bought all the necessary supplements, I caved in.

(In some ways, God granted me my prayers because if I was to stay back to take care of dad so that my mom isn't exposed to the virus, I will end up taking unpaid leave, which is way much worse for my current condition... so having medical leave presented to me was a prayer came true)

of course, I was totally knocked out for a whole 20 hours.

SLEEP is indeed the best remedy to fight covid (along with flu meds and proper supplement of vit C + zinc, D, magnesium)

But because this year has been so much incident happening, my lack of sleep body finally succumbed to a virus that we all thought our immune system was strong enough to fight off.

However, God still shows HIS power

(And a reminder for all of us)

My mom, was well protected despite she was seated among those who were infected.

I personally felt that she was additionally protected when she was sharing her journey with our Father in Heaven through her most recent surgery, which actually, on logical standpoint, she was the weakest in immunity.

(I will share her special testimony at @philiprenelee later. Stay tuned!)

But nothing is impossible to our Almighty.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in HIM.
Psalm 34:8 (KJV)

Never underestimate the sincere "repetition" adoration from a pure hearted born-again to the LORD.

(My mom does that every morning when she had her breakfast. It sounded repetitive, but it was her pure heart that solidify her faith that moves the impossible)

This have both convicted and encouraged my soul.

So never think that the supernatural doesn't exist. HE is still showing HIS power. 🙌🏼

Until Then

Stay healthy, stay curious and learn new things, and stay happy!

All photos were taken using my Samsung A23
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

Praise the Lord. Great is HIS Faithfulness. Amen. Thank You Jesus for the Finished Work on the Cross. By HIS Stripes that we were all healed in Jesus Name. Amen & Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
