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RE: Dreams are immortal. Hive savings. My Actifit Report Card: June 20 2023

in Actifitlast year

I'm so excited to hear that your childhood dream is about to come true! It sounds like you've been working hard for this, and I'm glad that it's finally paying off.

I can definitely relate to the feeling of fear and excitement that comes with finally achieving a dream. It's a mix of emotions that can be really overwhelming. But I think it's important to remember that fear is just a sign that you care about something. And excitement is a sign that you're about to experience something amazing.

So I hope you'll allow yourself to feel all of those emotions, and to savor this moment. It's a big deal, and you deserve to celebrate it.

I'm also inspired by your words about dreams. You're right, dreams are immortal. They're always there, waiting for us to reach for them. And when we do, they can take us to amazing places.