My Actifit Report Card: September 3 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Hello Actifitters,
Hope you had a good day, mine became interesting late afternoon. Before that, it was just regular work and a couple of dog walks. But later when I confirmed Genepi's sister Kaia was on her way, we went for a bit of running, just to make sure he did not have too much extra energy for the introduction. Also an obedience session to keep his brain engaged. Unfortunately that wasn't sufficient and when she got to our house, he was really not happy and very reactive. Kaia's owner almost decided to just take her back, but in the end we agreed to give it one more try. Good choice because even if they still can't be off-leash together, they now stay calm in their respective crate (I had almost never used this crate before). Well I guess I just have to work on this the next few days and they should get along just fine after that.

Genepi in his crate definitely keeps checking on Kaia but now stays relaxed.

Kaia on the other side of the room does the same.

Next step, introduce Le Chat to Kaia, that's another story...

Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
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Daily Activity, Walking


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Running Shoes - L1
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Water Bottle - L1
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Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT

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