My Actifit Report Card: December 1 2023

in Actifit8 months ago

Hey Actifitters,

Yesterday was a very rainy day. The last few patches of snow are surely all gone now. We were also short on time. So when the rain finally slowed down a little bit, we quickly went for a walk with Kaia, but only to the small forest behind the front yard.

The rain didn't stop Kaia from exploring of course.

We went a little bit further in, but with all the leaves already on the floor, there's no more protection from the rain.

It was quite short for Kaia, but she seemed pretty content anyways.

The reason we were a bit rushed is that we were going to a musical in the evening, Frozen.

Not going to review it here, but it wasn't bad. And as a bonus, it was at the Detroit Opera House and I really like this venue. Very beautiful inside.

And that was it for the day. In spite of the rain, this wasn't so bad. We managed to get in all the activities we wanted, even if we had to keep some of them a bit shorter than usual.
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.

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Daily Activity, Walking


Frozen musical? Wow that sounds fun. How was it? Perhaps Kaia is still a bit tired so it was okay to go for a shorter walk LOL :D awww no more snow... that was fast! Have a great week ahead!

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- @iamraincrystal - Moderator/Alive Video Master

Thanks! Yeah, the musical wasn't bad. I never saw the animation movie, so I really had no expectations. Some of the special effects were interesting and it was overall entertaining, that's enough for me. A night out in Detroit is always cool anyways.
Kaia recovered very quickly and was ready for longer walks! She'll have to wait for colder temperatures, because walking in snow is fun, walking in rain is not!
Have a great new week ahead, !ALIVE

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