Looking back, looking forward... Internet

in Actifit4 years ago

In the early days of the internet, I still remembered how we used to patiently stare at the computer screen while waiting for the modem to dial into the world of internet. If you started using internet back then, you would remember this sound.

The excitement of being able to connect to a World Wide Web of endless possibilities, of unknowns, of anticipation, of a whole new universe. I used to be so excited when the modem managed to dial up successfully and I would launch the Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer or chat with friends and strangers through ICQ or mIRC.
Image by NASA on Unsplash

Then, as the internet grew to be an essential, almost every information that I seek these days is through the internet. The latest news, the latest videos, music, movies, dictionary, thesaurus, how to do this or that, or how to go here or there.
Gone were the days of encyclopedias or clumsy huge maps or thick dictionaries.
Image by Waldemar Brandton Unsplash

Now, all I do is launch the browser from my mobile or computer or laptop or tablet, key in some key words and hit the Go button. Everything is literally on my finger tips.
Image by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

I use the internet for my work research, for finding Youtube videos, for tutorials of all sorts, for emails, for file sharing, to chat, and then, now, I use it to write blogs on Steem and to connect with friends here.

My TV is pretty much Youtube all the way. Many channels nowadays have live streaming available and all I need to do is search for the channel and voila. If I feel like watching some dance moves, I just search for it, or singing competitions from anywhere in the world, it is there in the recommended feed.
Image by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Then, if I am in the mood to learn something new in the world of craft, I just have to search for it and there it is. Millions of hits for anything in the world that I want to learn on my own pace, at my own time.

If I am looking to improve myself in certain areas like in music, I will search the internet for some guidance. Most of the information and tutorials are free and that is one important thing too.

Many people around the world share their knowledge, just like here on this Steem platform and there is just so much to learn, so much to see. There are stories and places I never would have dream going to but I can because of the internet.
The World is Flat indeed, thanks to the internet.

This is my entry to @wakeupkitty's CONTEST Looking Back/Look Forward 2.37 [ENG] CONCURSO Mirando hacia atrás / Mirando hacia adelante 2.37 [ESP].

The theme is:

Looking back / Look forward
What is it you use your internet for?


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Yes, @puncakbukit has upvoted and reblogged your post to thousand followers.. Many thanks to choose us as witness and curator.

THank you!

Estoy muy de acuerdo contigo. Me pasó con toda la información que obtengo para sembrar, para cocinar, con mis recetas. Todo en la actualidad está a punta de dedo. Si no aprendemos es porque no queremos. No importa la edad lo que importa es saciar la ignorancia con el conocimiento. @marblely.

I very much agree with you. It happened to me with all the information I get to sow, to cook, with my recipes. Everything is currently at your fingertips. If we don't learn, it's because we don't want to. No matter the age, what matters is to satisfy ignorance with knowledge. @marblely

Gracias @gertu! Sí, sí, mucho que aprender de Internet y me encanta. En el momento en que tenemos una pregunta en mente, podemos buscarla inmediatamente :) ¡Feliz viernes allí @gertu!

Thank you @gertu! Yes yes, so much to learn from the internet and I absolutely love it. The moment we have a question in mind, we can just search it immediately :) Happy Friday there @gertu!

Number 9. (no, this is not the number of your entry)

I envy you! I still wait till I have a connection to the world wide web and it's seldom worldwide. If I am lucky I can use google but I can not click on the links in the list. Most sites are way too heavy to load.
The more people join the internet the worse my connection is. I wish I could dial-in. Now I wait impatiently for at least 5-20 minutes, try 2-3 times to be able to read something. I say "read" because watching I can not anything (photos, videos, no YouTube, etc).
I still drive distances to find a better connection but at least in most cases WhatsApp and partiko keep working.

Thank you for your entry.
You have number 8.
Your upvote will be given later I need a bit more VP.

Oh darn.. that must be so frustrating for you. We are at 4G now, looking to launch 5G in some near future and our wifi speeds are mostly at 1Gbps. What is yours? Does the government has plans to upgrade the network backbone for you guys?

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 4 years ago  Reveal Comment