Long Shopping Trip: November 12 2020

in Actifit4 years ago (edited)

Ever since CoVid started, I have been shopping 3 times. At Costco during the special morning hour. Not that many people in the store...

Today, I had to go in the middle of the day. My glasses broke and I needed to take the first eye appointment I could get.

Between the exam (and waiting for it), picking out the glasses, and shopping, I was almost 4 hours in the store. Felt slightly weird and I certainly will go back to staying home for the foreseeable future.

Got milk for my daughter’s household and when we opened the box, one of the cartons was open 😳

Still mostly not seeing well. My old glasses don’t want to stick together 😞

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Daily Activity,Shopping


Yikes!! What will you do with that carton?

Hey, just dropping in to say "hi"
Is everything good with you?
You have been kinda quiet ... of course, with everything going on, I get it...
Well, just wanted to say "hi" <33

Thank you.
So sweet to reach out!
Yes, I am not feeling the online life right now. Our political situation is so sad and weird and crazy, Covid is real, all these platforms I have spent so much time on are run by crazy people more or less 😱
My back is not happy with me and I have a bunch of house stuff going on.
We needed a new roof, now, the house is getting painted and I had to clear everything from the area...
How are you?
I do hope that some day we can travel safely again...

Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies by, and how easily our days get filled up with all sorts of stuff that screams at us to get done? I was so sure I wrote a post ten days ago...but I didn't, so now I better do it.

Time flies! Crazy!

I have missed you

I am doing good, just waiting for all this craziness to be over with

TC Marriane <3

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