New Glasses!: November 18 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

My new glasses came in and they are working! I got two pairs so I am not going to be in the broken glasses and I can’t see dilemma again.

Well, time to dig in back home again. I have to do one more bank visit. Then, home it is again as CoVid is doing its awful thing all around us...

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This glasses 👓 looks beautiful.

We went through some trouble before we could find my mum a very good one last year

Thank you. The last pair I bought 2 years ago never worked for me - so, I kept wearing my old ones until they broke...

Hurray for new glasses! And you look nice in them.

Your glasses look nice! Show us the second pair too, please! Nice job with your 7053 @actifit steps for today. Take care and have an awesome rest of the week!

I will. In today's report :)

You l👀👀k fabulous. I'm having chemo treatment #14 today. 🙏🙏🙏

Best wishes !

Thank you, it went well and I feel great this morning. 🙏🙏🙏

Good luck!!! Thinking of you!! How many total are you going to have?

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