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RE: Skating at sunrise — (Actifit) — [April 23 2020]

in Actifit • 4 years ago

Good morning. 🌄 You seem to be on Korean time.

You are very humble. You really just started skating? Skating was mega popular in the late 80s and early 90s. I would skate for miles in a day going through different neighborhoods in Chicago. If you hit a smooth survace you can get a lot of speed on most boards. Be careful going down steep hills and little pebbles or gravel can be your downfall.

Korea has ramps set up and parks usually I see kids with long boards when passing by. I have a board and some times play around in front of the house but yeah, nothing dangerous. Honestly, I prefer bicycle riding if I have a choice. Either way the key to control is the keep low.

 4 years ago (edited) 

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 4 years ago (edited) 

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