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RE: My Actifit Report Card: September 29 2020

in Actifit β€’ 4 years ago

The masks 🀣🀣 Should I laugh or cry 🀷
Here is Spain the masks are mandatory in all places, always. You can take off the mask only if doing sports (walking is not considered as sport πŸ˜”) or beeing in nature (alone or with a family member who live in the same home as you). So we can not forget it at home, as we can got fined 🀐
Madness as you say..
I have already a huge collection of home made masks, every day a different one, and the newest is this one:


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awww... a kitty mask... it's purrtiful :D

they are starting to discuss mandatory masks in outside areas here, too... how considerate of them, protecting us from ourselves forgetting to protect each other... lol... it's going to be a weird winter.

After this weird summer nothing can sorprise us πŸ˜‘