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RE: Smart working day, surfers, churches, threatening clouds and rough seas... in Chiavari, |🇮🇹 Italy!

in Actifit3 years ago

Penso che andare da soli sia troppo. Prima puoi attraversare il mare nuotando, e poi andiamo, insieme. Credi che vada bene?

At least, @actifraenk would be proud that we listened to his initiative, #takemorewalks 😀

Happy New Year @amico.sports and @actifraenk!


Indeed, google maps is very clever and, knowing me better than anyone else thanks to its extensive profiling, it knows my aptitude for walking on water... 😁 😂 🤣


Can I quickly teach @fraenk how to do it too, so we can come together? 😜

🌈 Happy New Year to you, your family and @actifraenk! 🔱

Can I quickly teach @fraenk how to do it too, so we can come together? 😜

Perfect plan !!! 🌞

Just take the reindeer sledge... it's even faster that way ;P

Happy New Year to you and yours, too!!

European reindeer sledge trip! 👌


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