My Actifit Report Card: May 10 2024

in Actifitlast month

Hello friends, I had a goal to reach 10,000 points by engaging in various activities. It's been hard to do so considering the fact that my work requires me to sit all day.

However, today I decided to try again. While heading to work, I trekked about 30 minutes before boarding a tricycle to my workplace. During work, I stand at intervals to stretch and walk around. In errands that would have required me to board a tricycle, I decided to go on foot, exercise, and admire nature. I even took some cool pictures as well.

One of the main reasons why I walk at any slight opportunity is because during my last medical check-up, the doctor complained that I'm always sitting and not engaging in exercises. Since I am always sitting, I risk having blood clots around the waist. So, in order to avoid that, she suggested I take some time to walk around and stretch.

I have been doing so, and I am taking it even more seriously now. The highest point I have gotten on the Actifit app is 5,000 points, but today, after engaging in all my daily activity, I got a total of about 9,000 points, which is a great improvement.

I haven't reached my target yet, but I have broken the previous record, hoping to keep improving.

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking