Hello there !!! - MARC #469

in Actifit3 years ago

When I woke up this morning @vesytz call me to see one unexpected visitor on our tomatillo seedlings. It was a mantis. I don't know exactly what kind it is, but I thought it had one horn and I was looking for one, but it turned out that the other one was just broken.

I took the flowerpot and went outside to take pictures. It just sat and posed. But I couldn't make her raise the arms with light puffs :). Then I left it in the yard to leave.

Then the whole day was in the garden doing little tasks.

zoom for more details 😜

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Gardening, Walking


wow, that is really a great shot I have never seen the insect that close in the last it looks like a dragon the eyes are so beautiful and the antenna is another thing thanks a lot for sharing.


!giphy wow

Thank you @bhattg !BEER

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This is definitely an alien from Mars pretending to be a small insect! It has antenna for satellite communications! LoL

An alien chieftain with a feather on his head 😀 !ENGAGE 5

Thank you very much for the tip!

You are welcome !BEER

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